My Story
It was 8 years ago today I prayed to God asking for a sign to know for sure if I should sign up and sell Scentsy. It was not a house hold name back then and direct sales made me nervous. I had made the decision if I was going to do this Scentsy business, I was going to give back. Zoe was in Christian school so I took a fundraiser proposal to the administrator without even having signed up yet. I handed over the proposal & a catalog and the administrator flipped open the catalog pointing to a Plug-in Scentsy Warmer asking if I had it or if it needed to be ordered...that’s where my prayer was answered! I praised God, went home and signed up then did my first fundraiser.
Life and Scentsy have both changed so much over the years. I’m always excited to see the new product line, smell the new Scents and hear about the incentive trips. I never get tired of talking about Scentsy, sharing it with people, or learning new fun ways to connect with my Team. I have been blessed tenfold with the people who have come into my life from the thread that runs deep with my Scentsy family. I’ve never been around such an enormous group of people who truly love their job, love the leadership, love the product, and is willing to help each other out. No words can describe the feeling of appreciation and love you feel when you belong and are part of something so much bigger
then yourself. Everyone is on their own journey, yet we all unite for the value we bring to the world that warms the heart, enlivens the senses, and inspires the soul.
Thank You Scentsy - I’m 8 years strong today!